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Regular Members

Kirk Francis – Chair

Term expires May 2025

Melissa Childers-White – Vice Chair

Term expires May 2025

Doug Boom

Term expires May 2025

Devin Cox

Term expires July 2024

Rick Evans

Term expires May 2026

Roxanna Gonzales-Soza

Term expires May 2025

Paul Blackburn

Term Expires May 2025

The Zoning Commission’s duties are to conduct public hearings and make recommendations to the City Council on requests for a change in zoning district boundaries or in the regulations applicable in the various zoning districts, or on the zoning to be applied in areas which are proposed for annexation. This Commission also recommends to City Council approval or disapproval of the original location and relocation of alleys, sidewalks, and any means of ingress and egress to the public streets. Additionally, this body acts as the City’s Planning Commission in recommending to the City Council a comprehensive plan for the physical development of the city, including land use regulation and capital improvement programs, and in recommending updates to such plan and its implementation programs as the Commission considers necessary or as the Council requests.

Please reference the side bar to the right to see Agendas/Minutes and Forms/Applications.

The Zoning Code has changed as of September 15, 2005:

Zoning Code Amendments

View a copy of the City’s current Zoning Code here or on Municode

View a copy of the City’s current Zoning Map at City Hall.

Zoning Commission Member terms are appointed by City Council for a period of two years.