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Residential Burglar Alarm Systems must be registered with the City of Hill Country Village. Obtain a permit application here.

Animal Control is governed largely by the City’s Animal Control Ordinance which prohibits animals from running at-large. The City also has a “Dangerous Dog” ordinance which prohibits a dog from attacking another animal or person. Any violations of these ordinances may constitute a fine payable by the owner. Should you require Animal Control Services during business hours, contact City Hall at 210-494-3671. After hours, contact the Police Dispatch at 210-335-6000.

All pets must be registered with the City of Hill Country Village; pet registration and tags can be purchased at City Hall during business hours. Any domestic animal must have current vaccinations. The City allows for a reasonable amount of domestic animals on your property. The city does not allow exotic animals. No animal shall be bred or boarded for commercial gain within the corporate city limits of Hill Country Village.

Animals must be restrained by a leash, chain, cord, or rope when off the property. If a dog is found running at large it will be impounded and the owner may be cited for this violation. A fee is assessed for impounding an animal.

Fireworks/discharge of firearms are prohibited within the City Limits. This includes pellet, BB guns, slingshots, wrist rockets, blowguns, and bow and arrows.

A permit obtained from City Hall is required to have a garage sale within the city limits. Only one garage sale sign is authorized and may be located in the front yard of the residence only. Size of the sign is limited to 4 square feet. Residents are allowed 2 sales per year. No food items or beverages can be sold. Obtain a permit application here.

Agendas are posted 72 hours prior to meeting at City Hall, 116 Aspen Lane. These are posted on the bulletin board on the porch of City Hall and may be viewed 24 hours a day. Meetings, except for executive session, are open to the public. Agendas and approved minutes may be viewed on this web site as well.

City Council – Generally, the Council meets third Thursday of each month at 5 p.m. View the schedule on the Master Calendar.

Board of Adjustment – Meets as needed

Zoning Commission – Meets as needed

Economic Development Corporation – Meets as needed

Business District Construction Review Board – Meets as needed

The Hill Country Village Homeowners Association prints and mails a newsletter every other month. The City periodically provides a newsletter.

All parking in the street (along Crest Trail or Cabin Path) or on the right of way (all other streets) must be in the direction of traffic flow. Parking the wrong direction is a violation of state law, which is aggressively enforced by the Police Department. City ordinance #728 prohibits any parking on Paso Del Norte.

The Police Department offers residents and businesses an “Out of Town Patrol-By” to keep a watch on a property within the City. Call City Hall or complete the request on-line by clicking here.

The City has adopted the International Building Codes and Zoning Code to govern construction. Permits are required for all modifications, building additions, alterations, accessory buildings, electrical, and plumbing work before work begins. Coordination and review of the project with the City is highly recommended before any work begins to ensure compliance with zoning regulations. Obtain a permit application here.

Property appraisals are through the Bexar Appraisal District, 210-224-2432.

Trees and shrubbery must not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic on streets or Cavalry Trail.

The cutting of new streets (less than 10 years old) is prohibited. All repairs to street cuts on other streets must be guaranteed for the life of the street and requires a Right of Way work permit. Contact City Hall for information.

Northeast Independent School District, 210-804-7000, serves the City of Hill Country Village.

Property taxes are payable through the Bexar County Tax Assessor-Collector,                  210-335-6628.

Homestead Exemption

City ordinance 858 (4/18/02) authorizes a revised ad valorem (property) tax exemption of 20% to individuals who claim a home as their primary residence. This exemption is applied to one’s taxable tax valuation and only affects property tax imposed by the City of Hill Country Village.

Over 65/Disabled Exemption

City ordinance 859 (4/18/02) authorizes a revised ad valorem (property) tax exemption of $50,000 to individuals who are disabled or who are 65 years of age or older. This exemption is applied to one’s taxable tax valuation and only affects property tax imposed by the City of Hill Country Village.

Wounds to oak trees from trimming, cutting and breaking shall be painted immediately of the wound with asphaltic, exterior oil or latex base paint. Tree trimming does require a permit.

For information on oak wilt, see

Cable Television – Spectrum, 210-244-0500

Electricity – CPS Energy, 210-353-3279

Garbage & Recycling – Waste Management, 210-368-5000

Gas – CPS Energy, 210-353-3279

Telephone – SBC, 1-800-464-7928

(Note: Other telephone companies exist. Consult your telephone directory for other options)

Water – San Antonio Water System, 210-704-7297


Solid waste disposal is contracted out to Waste Management. For customer service, please call 210-368-5000.

Dead Animals

Dead animals will be picked up by Waste Management. The animal must be placed on the right-of-way by the homeowner. Neither the city staff nor the waste company personnel will enter your property to remove the animals.

Garbage pickup is scheduled on Wednesdays and Saturdays. You may place one polycart plus 8 bags or bundles out for collection for regular pickup.

Household Hazardous Waste is provided through Bexar County. Call 800-449-7587 to schedule a pickup.


When: Wednesday of weeks with no holiday

Where: Curbside if you have front garbage pickup. Magazines and other paper can be dropped off in the dumpster in front of City Hall.

What: Newspapers and inserts, cardboard, RINSED glass bottles, jars, aluminum and tin cans and plastics including milk cartons and bottles. Our recycler does not take Styrofoam or plastic bags.

How: Use container of your choice. Plastic bags may be used. Please separate newspapers from other items. Recycling bins are provided by Waste Management; additional bins may be purchased at local home improvement stores.

The City of Hill Country Village does not require a city permit to install a well on your property.

However, you need to contact San Antonio Water System and the Edwards Aquifer Authority.