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Tom Doyle

This position is elected in May of odd-
numbered years.

Tom Doyle is the National Director of Sales for The Gambrinus Company in San Antonio TX, with responsibility for leading a team of 80+ sales professionals driving sales of Shiner, Bridgeport, and Trumer brands across the US. Tom brings to the position a successful track record of more than 20 years that includes high-profile leadership positions and recognized sales achievements in the beer industry.
Driven by a strong sense of urgency and incredible determination, he enjoys and thrives on challenging situations. He is at his best when turning uncertainty and chaos into order and harmony. Personable, resourceful, and innovative, he always searches out new ways to improve operations and elevate best practices.
Tom joined Gambrinus in 2016 after a twenty-year tenure at A-B Inbev where he learned the sales side of the beer business from the ground up, starting with A-B right out of college. Prior to his current position at Gambrinus, he served as Vice President of A-B InBev’s High-End Division located in NYC and VP of Sales for the Midwest, where under Tom’s leadership, that region led the country in high-end sales growth of +18%. He also served in the North East for 9 years in a number of key positions including Sales Director for MA/RI, ME/NH/VT, General Manager, and Geographic Marketing Manager.
Tom has volunteered for the Living Lands and Waters Mississippi River Cleanup and Habitat for Humanity.
Tom resides in Hill Country Village, TX with his wife, Erin, and their four teenage children. When not working, Tom enjoys watching NHL hockey, working around his property, and attending his kids’ sporting events.